Divorce Coaching Helps To Create A Clear And Specific Plan To Achieve Your Goals
Divorce Coaching Helps To Create A Clear And Specific Plan To Achieve Your Goals
A divorce coach can best be defined as a specially trained divorce professional who serves as a mentor to support and guide you with decision-making, goal-setting and achieving (prior to or subsequent to filing for divorce) so you can make better choices for yourself and your loved ones.
I am a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® with the ability to support and empower you so that you are able to deal with, and overcome, the emotional aspects brought on by separation and divorce. This ensures that you can focus your time and energy on making informed decisions with confidence, direction and ease of mind.
You don`t have to walk alone. You are empowered to make your own life choices! Let me show you how we can work together so that I can help and guide you on your journey. Together we can ensure that you achieve the best possible results and reach your goals.
I am the first certified divorce coach in Singapore and the only Lawyer in Singapore to be trained and qualified as a divorce coach. I have spent 106 hours over a period of 4 months attaining qualifications. As a divorce lawyer with a difference, I am here for you whether you are a divorce client or a client with matrimonial, pre-marital issues or post-divorce issues.
You don’t have to walk alone. Reach out to me.
+65 6337 0469